In SEO, webmasters are always looking for new sources for backlinks, and well trusted question and answer sites like Quora can be extremely valuable for any company or cause looking to grow their brand. Despite the obvious benefits from the traffic Quora can generate, there is significant controversy over whether or not the links in Quora answers are dofollow and pass on SEO value or not (meaning whether or not search engines like Google take the links from Quora posts into account when ranking search results).

Dofollow and Nofollow Links

Any link on the internet can be classified into one of two categories. The first, dofollow, is the default category of any simple link posted on the web. Dofollow links signal to Google and other search engines that they should take that link into account as a backlink when ranking their search results. Nofollow links on the other hand, are links tagged with rel="nofollow" in the code for the link. These links don’t pass on SEO value and search engines essentially ignore them. Sites like Quora use nofollow links to prevent spam from people who post their links without providing any value to the community simply to get the SEO benefit.

Are Quora Backlinks Dofollow?

As you can see in the screenshot below of a simple link on Quora, the default status for links posted to Quora is nofollow. While you might think this means that no links pass on SEO value, this is not fully correct either. Are Quora backlinks dofollow

The screenshot below shows another link from Quora, on an answer with significantly more Quora upvotes. In this example, there is no nofollow attribute in the link (noopener is a security attribute that is used to prevent security vulnerabilities and is not related to SEO or backlinks). This shows that at least some links on Quora are dofollow and as such do pass on SEO value. While Quora doesn’t publish this information openly, it is likely that the dofollow or nofollow status of links follows a similar pattern to Reddit, where they change the status of links to dofollow after a certain number of upvotes. Quora Backlinks Dofollow

What Does This Mean for Quora SEO?

Quora can be an indispensable marketing tool. The site itself reaches a diverse audience of over 300 million monthly users. Thanks to its large community, Quora has questions and topics for nearly any category. Quora answers can help your business not only in generating huge amounts of traffic and potential customers, but also in terms of search engine rankings and SEO.

If you’re looking to market your brand on Quora, and want to help give your answers an initial boost to their reach and SEO value, Quora upvotes can be a great way of improving your results. BoostUpvotes lets customers easily and inexpensively buy Quora upvotes that can help their business or cause’s content to go viral and greatly increase their search engine rankings with Quora SEO.

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